现在,微软又推出一项新活动“Go Dark For IE”,活动将于10月26日面向IE8以及更低版本的IE用户开展,会让这些非IE9用户看到黑色的网页。同时,10月26日还是微软Windows8正式上市的日子。
“Go Dark For IE”是自愿参与性质的活动,微软还提供相关代码用以区分旧版IE。活动中,微软不仅是鼓励用户将浏览器升级到最新版IE,同样还提供最新版Chrome、FireFox、Safari和Opera供用户选择。
活动官网:Go Dark For IE
Old browsers hurt the web! They don't understand modern technologies, lack features, they're buggy, have security holes and prevent you from seeing the web the way it should be seen. Imagine if everyone didn't upgrade their TV or computer? It would mean all the great enhancements like HD, DVD's etc would all go to waste. Imagine what you'd be missing out on!
Using IE8 and below makes the web less than what it is. Potentially holding back the web!